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BDI - BioDiesel International AG

Date: 2009-09-15 13:09:33.0

BDI – BioDiesel International AG is one of the world’s leading suppliers of Multi-Feedstock BioDiesel plants (vegetable oils, waste edible oils and animal fats), providing solutions for the industrial utilisation of renewable resources. Up to 30 reference plants worldwide are in operation / under construction.

The core-competences are technologies for the production of high-quality BioDiesel.

* from different types of feedstock
* surpassing the strictest product standards
* environmental friendly
* with the best cost-value ratio.


As the market- and technology leader for building tailor-made and turn-key Multi-Feedstock BioDiesel plants we offer single source


* Research, Development, Consulting
* Project development, Management of Financing and Funding
* Authority-, Basic and Detail-Engineering
* Erection and Start-up
* After-Sales Services.