Biofpr and Agilent Technologies are delighted to announce that the above webinar is now available to download and view for free
Ideal for scientists and researchers performing biofuel analysis and lab managers considering performing analysis onsite, this is also ideal for anyone with an interest in biofuels
Simply click here for all the information you need
Building a biomass tradition
- Researchers are increasingly finding that modern building materials such as concrete and insulation can benefit from a bit of biomass.
- Published: 28 March, 2013
Biofuels have a weed problem
- Weeds may make good biofuel feedstocks, but biofuel feedstocks can also make good weeds. So how do you prevent the widespread growing of biofuel feedstocks leading to an explosion in noxious weeds?
- Published: 18 March, 2013
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2013
3 - 7 June, 2013 | Copenhagen, Denmark
The Conference will discuss major issues for the biomass markets, in technical and business areas, from resource assessment to market and policy developments, drawing on leading experiences from all over Europe and worldwide.
The 2013 EU BC&E will be one of the leading annual meetings for the international biomass community.
The subjects of the 21st EU BC&E result from the experiences of the previous successful EU BC&E conferences. The subjects have been further developed and structured and include the most recent scientific, technology and market trends.
All biomass specialists are invited to contribute and to present innovative developments, progress and scientific results to the global biomass community.
For more information and registration details please click here
9th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries
5 - 7 June, 2013 | Antwerp, Belgium
RRB-9 schedules plenary lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions and brings together academic researchers, industrial experts, policymakers and venture capital providers to discuss the challenges emerging from the transition towards a biobased economy and to present new developments in this area.
New this year: 4 sessions on green biotech.
Abstract Deadlines - The deadline for oral presentations has now passed, but for poster presentations it is February 15, 2013. We also welcome submissions from PhD students for short oral PhD communications.
For more information, registration, and abstract submissions please click here
Biochemicals & Bioplastics 2013
19 - 20 June, 2013 | Frankfurt, Germany
Competing with the Petrochemical Industry: How Far Can Green Chemistry Go?
Biochemicals & Bioplastics 2013 summit will be valuable to anyone who needs a comprehensive overview of progress in the biochemical industry and what are the latest technological advancements and which Biorenewable market segment are the most promising in the next 10 years.
Key Topics:
- Impact of Biorenewable Chemicals on Chemical Industry in the Next Decade
- Global Market Drivers and Restraints of Biorenewable Chemical Industry
- Which Are the Most Promising Market Segments and Potential Growth Rates of Biorenewable Industry?
- Bio-Based Feedstock Opportunities & Biomass Process Innovations
- Addressing the Latest Technological Advancements in Biorenewable Chemical Industry
- Investor Perspective of Biorenewable Chemicals
The conference will be of interest to traditional chemical producers those seeking to move into the world of renewables, as well as those who may be looking for alternative uses of renewable resources or conversion technologies.
For more details and to receive a full brochure and 15% discount on registration fees, please click here
Reach a global audience of research scientists and policy makers in industry, academia and government.
Now you can get your message to a global network of professionals working in sustainable fuels, chemicals and energy which has been fostered by Wiley and our long-standing partner, SCI (Society of Chemical Industry).
You can be part of our exclusive Worldwide Biorenewables Community network through a special marketing e-newsletter campaign that we are offering this month. Please contact Julian Wakefield on email jwakefield@wiley.com for more information.
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